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Category: Ideas

Action packed Year’s Eve Movies

Action packed Year’s Eve Movies

The end of the year is approaching, but with it comes the main holiday, New Year’s, and on this occasion, why shouldn’t I make a list of the most adrenaline-pumping and interesting New Year’s movies for those who are already really tired of the eternal Harry Potter? Not everyone wants family kind movies, some are just tired of them. After all, every year is the same! We need to bring in at least some variety. So let’s buy popcorn and watch some movie for the holiday!

How to Draw Realistic Lips tutorial step by step

How to Draw Realistic Lips tutorial step by step

Hi there. My name is Rezeda, and today we are learning how to draw beautiful and realistic lips. I posted a video about it on my YT channel.

Before we start to learn the academic general approach to drawing lips, let’s study in a more simple way.  It is more geometrical and, of course, triangular, as I like.
And includes a little bit of anatomy

Movies for photographers

Movies for photographers

There are just amazing movies for photographers to watch from famous directors, which I really want to share in my photography blog. There are the most interesting and beautifully shot movies. All the movies are very different: from gothic fairy tales and noirs to android science fiction and movies that explore the inner monologue and fantasies of the main characters

Contemporary Chinese art photography

Contemporary Chinese art photography

What is contemporary Chinese art photography and how it looks like? Recently I had a chance to learn it. So, I visited exhibition Big Little life, which includes series by modern Chinese woman photographers, including Liu Silin, Lu Yufan, Yu Xiaodong, and Jiayue Yu

The Dramatic Portrait: The Art of Crafting Light and Shadow by Chris Knight | review

The Dramatic Portrait: The Art of Crafting Light and Shadow by Chris Knight | review

Firstly, I have to say that “The Dramatic Portrait: The Art of Crafting Light and Shadow” of Chris Knight is absolutely amazing book. It contains general concept of evolution of Art, that really helpful for photographers, and technical “side” of profession such as light, color, mood, styling etc.